⛏️Mithril Mining
📌Entree fee is 1,000,000 Zeny! 📌Only Blacksmith Class can enter the map! 📌First Month of Release: You'll be able to use Auto Attack System inside (Type @aaon)
You need to be level 185/100 to enter the map!
After every 300 minutes (5 hours) of mining you have 12 hour cooldown!
Mithril Ore @mi 20207
To exit the map simply talk to the Mine Exit
Pure Mithril Shop
Mining Level Drop Percentage
Level 0 | New Miner - 0 to 25,000 Exp - 15%
Level 1 - 25,000 to 50,000 Exp - 20%
Level 2 - 50,000 to 100,000 Exp - 30%
Level 3 - 100,00+ Exp - 40%
Armor Enchantment System
Enchanting your armor will grant additional stats randomly.
If you have succesfully enchanted an item but you are not happy with the enchantment orb effect - you can continue to enchant the same item unlimited amount of times. If the enchantment fails you would still have the previously enchanted effect active.
Enchant Orb Levels
Level 1 orb | 30% chance
Level 2 orb | 10% chance
Level 3 orb | 5% chance
Last updated