☠️Part 2 - Guild vs Guild


Part 1 - Point systemPart 2 - Guild vs Guild

➡️ July 11 ~ 29, 2024

➡️ August 3 at 8:00 PM GMT +8

Point System Ranking

• The TOP 6-8 Guilds in Point System Ranking will advance to Part 2 ( GVG Event )

Guild vs Guild Event Format

• Double Elimination

• Best of 3 per match -- Finals: Best of 5

• Max Member per Guild: 27

Event Rules

  1. Restricted Cards

    • Void MVP Cards

  2. Guild Capacity: 27

  3. No Emergency Call

  4. Maximum of 10 minutes per round

  5. Most players left after 10 minutes will win the round

  6. Disconnection Calls will not be accepted once the round starts and never in the middle of the fight.

  7. You have 10 minutes to prepare once recalled. DC calls will not be accepted after 10 minutes.

  8. Always create a chatroom when the guild is ready or when there's any problem in your team before the round starts.

Last updated