⚔️Part 1 - Point System


Part 1 - Point systemPart 2 - Guild vs Guild

➡️ July 11 ~ 29, 2024

➡️ August 3 at 8:00 PM GMT +8

Point System Ranking

• The TOP 6-8 Guilds in Point System Ranking will advance to Part 2 ( GVG Event )

Part 1 - WOE Point System

SettingsPoints Earned

• Longest Defender

1 Point

• Castle Owner

1 Point

• Guild Participation (must have 200+ kill pts)

0.5 Point

• First Emperium Break

0.5 Point

• Guild with the most Kill Points

0.5 Point

Part 1 - KOE Point System

SettingsPoints Earned

• Flag Owner

1.5 Points

• Guild with the most Kill Points

1 Point

Part 1 - Point System Days

• War of Emperium

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday

• King of Emperium

Monday and Friday

Event Rules

  1. Guild Capacity: 27

  2. No Alliance

  3. No dummy/dual guild (-1 Point on main guild)

  4. No feeding of kills with alt account (-1 Point)

  5. Both guilds(-1 Point) who obviously helping each other in a castle.

    • Example: Owner is defending in the emperium, while the other guild is obviously defending in pre-emp. If you ever caught a guild doing this, do not hesitate to ping us in @request or in discord so we can follow them immediately.

  6. No skill abuse at Guild save points (e.g., warp portals, low-level songs, etc.).

    • Mute all online characters associated with the IP address.

    • -1 Point from the guild if the abuser is proven to be a member of a participating guild.

Last updated